Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Hi there,

I've just started this blog anew, so the 1st two posts are from last week on my previous blog, but I never had much happening there and so I decided to have a fresh start.

Today is actually Day 7 of the MYM challenge for me. I've really been enjoying having that quiet time to myself each morning.

I've yet to start my Project Simplicity "hot spots," but that's coming up shortly on my to-do list!

I'm also enjoying reading Steady Days and One Thousand Gifts .

holy experience

Maximize Your Mornings Challenge

Well, I'm late to start, but here I am! Day 1 of the challenge, up at 5:30am. I don't yet have a great plan in place, but I'm up and being productive. :)

Inspired To Action Button

Project Simplicity: Family Purpose Statement 2011

We believe that our purpose as a family is to help each other draw closer to our spiritual source and to better the world.

We accomplish this by:

Honoring God and our family.

Making our home a place of comfort, peace, and joy.

Nurturing individual growth, family unity, and discipline.

Prioritizing rest and healthful practices (including time outdoors, exercise, and healthy eating).

Interacting with each other in a spirit of love

And, by seeking to serve our community.